Product Name: PKCb (497-503) pT500
Product Number: PE-04AOT99
Size: | 200 µg | | Price: | 42.00 |
| 1 mg | | $US | 84.00 |
| 5 mg | | | 185.00 |
Peptide Name: PKCb (497-503) pT500
Product Use: Services as a blocking peptide for use with the PKCb-pT500 rabbit polyclonal antibody (Cat. No.: AB-PK766) that is also available from Kinexus. This phosphopeptide may also be useful as a substrate for screening the phosphatase activity of protein phosphatases. The peptide sequence is located in the protein kinase catalytic domain activation T-loop between subdomains VII and VIII. T500 phosphorylation stimulates phosphotransferase activity.
Peptide Production Method: Solid-phase peptide synthesis
Peptide Origin: Homo sapiens
Peptide Sequence: TTK-pT-FCG
Peptide Modifications N Terminus: Free amino
Peptide Modifications C Terminus: βAla-Cys
Scientific Background: PKCb (PRKCB, PKC-beta) is a protein-serine/threonine kinase in the classical protein kinase C family. It is calcium activated, and dependent on acidic phospholipids (e.g. phosphatidylserine) and diacylglycerol for full phosphotransferase activity. PKCb can bind 3 calcium ions for each subunit. Phosphorylation of T635 and T642 is critical for kinase activity. Phosphorylation of S661 inhibits membrane binding and causes release into cytoplasm. PKCbI is highly related to PKCbII. Unlike the mature PKCb II mRNA and protein, which rapidly increase following acute insulin treatment, the PKCbI mRNA and protein levels remain unchanged. Stable overexpression of PKCbII, but not PKCbI, leads to insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into cells. PKCb can mediate B-cell receptor signalling, and apoptosis induced by oxidative stress. PKCb can regulate oxidative stress inducing apoptosis, signalosome, B-cell activation, transcription regulation dependent on androgen receptor signalling, endothelial cell proliferation, and insulin secretion. PKCb can phosphorylate CARD11/CARMA1 at S559, S644, and S652. Upon stimulation of B cells and mast cells, Syk regulates Btk, and Btk selectively regulates enzymatic activity of PKCbI. Specific regulation of PKCbI by Btk is consistent with the selective association of Btk with PKCbI. PKCb has been linked with the development of diabetic nephropathy, colorectal adenocarcinomas and glioblastoma multiforme. PKCb may be an oncoprotein (OP), although it may also be a tumour suppressor protein, since it is actually down-regulated by phorbol esters and other tumour promoters. A higher Gleason Score significantly associated with increased PKCb expression in prostate cancer.