Product Name: MARK3 (620-637)
Product Number: PE-01BDU90
Size: | 200 µg | | Price: | 53.00 |
| 1 mg | | $US | 106.00 |
| 5 mg | | | 251.00 |
Peptide Name: MARK3 (620-637)
Product Use: Services as a blocking peptide for use with the MARK3-BCT rabbit polyclonal antibody (Cat. No.: AB-NK276-2) that is also available from Kinexus. The peptide sequence is located in the pre-C-terminus.
Peptide Production Method: Solid-phase peptide synthesis
Peptide Origin: Homo sapiens
Peptide Modifications N Terminus: Free amino
Peptide Modifications C Terminus: Amide
Peptide Molecular Mass Calculated: 2386.7 Da
Peptide Purity Percent after Synthesis and Purification: >90
Scientific Background: MARK3 is a protein-serine/threonine kinase of the CAMK group and CAMKL family. It has been linked to the specific phosphorylation of microtubule-associated proteins. Phosphorylation of T234 and S238 increases phosphotransferase activity. T211A substitution is involved in decreased phosphorylation and activation by LKB1/LKB1 complex. Phosphorylation of T95 and S96 inhibits phosphotransferase activity.