Product Name: Mastoparan-L (1-14)
Product Number: PE-01AAW95
Size: | 200 µg | | Price: | 45.00 |
| 1 mg | | $US | 90.00 |
| 5 mg | | | 196.00 |
Peptide Name: Mastoparan-L (1-14)
Product Use: Peptide induces mitochondrial membrane permeabilization via a cyclosporin A- (CsA-) inhibitable mechanism.
Peptide Production Method: Solid-phase peptide synthesis
Peptide Origin: Wasp
Peptide Sequence: INLKALAALAKKIL
Peptide Modifications N Terminus: Free amino
Peptide Modifications C Terminus: Amide
Peptide Molecular Mass Calculated: 1478.9 Da
Peptide Purity Percent after Synthesis and Purification: >95
Peptide Appearance: White powder
Peptide Form: Solid
Storage Conditions: -20°C
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